Call for WAC/WID Fellows

The WAC/WID Signature Element is excited to re-launch our WAC/WID Fellows initiative for the Spring 2024 semester. WAC/WID Fellows read scholarship on supporting student writers across disciplines, design and develop a project of their choice, and meet monthly to discuss common readings and ongoing projects. Projects can be pedagogical in nature (e.g., Fellows might develop new WAC or WID applications or instructional materials for their WAC/WID classes), or they can be scholarly in nature (e.g., Fellows might work on drafting a Scholarship on Teaching and Learning-informed article or conference paper that focuses on incorporating writing in the teaching of their discipline). Each Fellow is supported by a WAC/WID professional and is eligible for a $500 stipend at the program’s end. The program is limited to accepting only six Fellows per year. 

If you are interested in becoming a Spring 2024 WAC/WID Fellow, please complete the interest form no later than December 15: 

If you have questions about this program, please feel free to reach out to Dr. Kim Gunter, Director of Core Writing and the WAC/WID Signature Element ( 

For more information, contact Kim Gunter / 3430 /