Workday Travel Tip - Importance of Dates and Listing Each Expense Separately on Expense Report

For each Expense Report Line, Workday requires you to provide the date the expense was actually incurred. However we are currently unable to remove the defaulted date from the form at this time to require you to enter an actual date. In order for the system to work properly, we request that you remember to change the date to the actual date the expense was incurred. In the case of Per Diem Meals, Hotel, or other items that take place over a period time, we ask you use the last date of that period. This will allow the system to catch any accidently duplicated submissions.

Additionally we ask that you do not bundle receipts, but list each receipt separately. This will also allow the system to catch any accidently duplicated submissions.

For more information, contact Robert Messert / X-2161 /