Sign Up for the CAE’s Faculty Learning Communities on AI/ChatGPT

Location: Zoom

It’s hard to read any news site these days without seeing or hearing about Artificial Intelligence and ChatGPT, and in particular the seismic shift it seems destined to create within the field of education. While it can be very difficult to respond to tumultuous events while one is living through them, the CAE is nonetheless determined to give it a try. This fall (and again next spring) we will be running Faculty Learning Communities (FLCs) on the topic of AI in Teaching and Learning in an effort to bring together faculty together who are interested in exploring ways to incorporate this revolutionary new technology into their classes. Our plan is to have the FLC come together once every three weeks to share their ideas and plans for teaching with AI, and to process what worked for you and for your students in a friendly and supportive community. Since we expect a greater-than-usual level of interest in these FLCs, the CAE will try and accommodate as many faculty as we possibly can by setting up multiple cohorts and holding individual Zoom meetings for each group, with an end-of-semester gathering for all participants to try and come to some collective conclusions about our experiences. 

If you’re interested in joining an AI Faculty Learning Community this fall, please follow the link below to fill out the registration form and let us know the general times that you’d be available to meet. We would like to schedule our first meetings during the week of September 18th if possible.  

Registration Link:

Nick Kapoor
Jay Rozgonyi
Emily Smith
Debbie Whalley
The Center for Academic Excellence

For more information, contact Jay Rozgonyi / X2416 /