Juneteenth Prayer Service at 11:30 AM and Lunch at 12:15PM

Date: 06-15-2023

Time: 11:30 AM

Location: Egan Chapel of St. Ignatius Loyola

Remember. Celebrate. Commit.

A Juneteenth Prayer Service


Please join the university community as we remember the history of slavery, celebrate the liberation of those in bondage, and commit to building a more just world.


Our Juneteenth prayer service will be held on Thursday, June 15th at 11:30am in the Egan Chapel of St. Ignatius Loyola. The prayer service is sponsored by Student Diversity and Multicultural Affairs and Campus Ministry.


A lunch will follow on the Chapel plaza at 12:15pm.


For more information, contact Kevin C Molloy / x3266 / kmolloy@fairfield.edu