Mass Intentions For The Week

Location: Egan Chapel of St. Ignatius Loyola

Monday, May 6th    12:10 p.m.

Richard Schlegel R.I.P.

Tuesday, May 7th    12:10 p.m.

Michael Reimer  R.I.P.

Wednesday, May 8th      12:10 p.m.

Evelyn Fenton Nolan R.I.P.

Thursday, May 9th    12:10 p.m.

James Reilly  R.I.P.

Friday, May 10th  12:10 p.m.

Polly McConnell  R.I.P.

Sunday, May 12th      11:00 a.m.

John Shanahan R.I.P.

For more information, contact Kathleen Haimoff / x3405 /