Creating Assessments in a World with ChatGPT

As a follow-up to our recent open discussions about artificial intelligence (AI) and ChatGPT, the CAE will be offering a workshop focusing on assessment design in a world of easily accessible AI. We will conduct two sessions - one on Zoom (Tuesday, Feb. 28, from 5:30-6:45 pm) and one in person (Wednesday, March 1, from 1-2:15 pm in NHS 210). Each session will start with some general ideas and approaches that the CAE has developed over the past few months to build meaningful assessments in this new context, followed by hands-on work and collaboration to help each attendee come away with a new or adapted assessment that they feel better suits the challenges of AI. 

Please sign up for either session at - or sign up for both if you’d like to have more collaboration time with your colleagues. In the meantime, the CAE is continuing to update the ChatGPT/AI resource section of our website, curating from among the wealth of material that’s being generated on a daily basis, so visit and click on the Teaching Resources link to find our latest set of postings. And as always, reach out to us at for any assistance you may need with your teaching and learning practice.


Nick Kapoor
Jay Rozgonyi
Emily Smith
Debbie Whalley
The Center for Academic Excellence

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