CAE/NEFDC Ungrading Workshop
Date: 02-10-2023
Time: 12:00 PM
Location: NHS 210
Join us for a free workshop on authentic and inclusive assessment practices through Ungrading!
Please join the CAE on Friday, February 10, 2023 from 12:00 pm - 3:00 pm in NHS 210 to attend the New England Faculty Development Consortium's (NEFDC) Spring 2023 Workshop Series on Authentic Learning Through Ungrading. Lunch will be served at noon.
In the first half of the workshop you will learn how to provide more equitable and inclusive learning experiences by using ungrading practices. Facilitated by Torrey Trust and Colleen Kuusinen from the University of Massachusetts - Amherst.
In the second half, you will reconsider and reimagine assessment practices and course design to encourage a more equitable and authentic student learning experience. Facilitated by Christina Beaubien, Jess Stephens, and Eric Parness of Westfield State University.
We welcome you to come for all or part of the workshop as your schedule allows.
Please email to register.
Your CAE Team,
Nick Kapoor
Jay Rozgonyi
Emily Smith
Debbie Whalley
For more information, contact Nick Kapoor / 203-521-4734 /