Dr. Roosevelt Montás lecture "Liberal Education, Why, How, and for Whom?"
Date: 02-02-2023
Time: 05:00 PM
Location: Barone Campus Center, Oak Room
Dr. Roosevelt Montás (Columbia University), author of Rescuing Socrates: How the Great Books Changed My Life and Why They Matter for a new Generation (Princeton, 2021), will give a lecture entitled "Liberal Education, Why, How, and for Whom?" on February 2, 2023, at 5:00 p.m. in Oak Room/BCC.
Dr. Montás is prolific scholar of early American culture who was also director of the Core curriculum at Columbia University’s Columbia College for a decade. He has written and thought deeply about the role of liberal arts and classical literature in higher education, especially in our global moment. As a first-generation college student from the Dominican Republic, Montás also approaches these issues in the context of diversity and inclusion, and argues that “classics” are not relics of former belief systems, but springboards to liberation, independence, and even revolutionary action.
The lecture is co-sponsored by the Vincent J. Rosivach Lecture Series in Ancient Mediterranean Studies, the Magis Core, and the Humanities Institute's "Humanities at Work" series.
For more information, contact Nels Pearson / x3452 / npearson@fairfield.edu