Bookstore, Dining & Transportatin Hours for Week of December 19th
Date: 12-19-2022
Location: Campus
For the week of December 19, the operating hours for the bookstore, dining and shuttle schedules are as follows:
Dining Services:
The Tully: Monday - Tuesday: 7:30am - 8pm. Wednesday from the BCC Snack Bar: 7:30am - 2pm
BCC Snack Bar: Monday - Tuesday, 11am - 9pm. Wednesday: 7:30am - 2pm
BCC Dunkin: Monday - Wednesday: 7:30am - 3pm
DSB Starbucks: Monday - Tuesday, 8am - 8pm. Wednesday: 8am - 3pm
Library Dunkin: Monday - Tuesday: 8am - 8pm. Wednesday: 8am - 3pm
The Levee: Monday - Tuesday: 11am - 10pm. Wednesday: 11am - 7pm
Stags Spirit Shop Bookstore:
Monday - Wednesday: 9am - 7pm
Town Shuttle & Campus Shuttles: Monday - Tuesday: 7am - 10pm. Wednesday: 7am - 8pm
For more information, contact Matt Dinnan / x2371 /