Password Security and Changing your Password Regularly


Change Your Password Regularly to Protect Your Account

One of the most important ways to keep your account safe is to change your password. Most cybersecurity experts agree that a password should be changed around 3-4 months to ensure the security of your account. 

We thought some FAQs would help around the topic of password security:

Q. I have final exams coming up in a few weeks and I don't want to complicate things. Still, change my password?
A. Yes. It's a lot more complicated dealing with an expired password during finals. Absolutely, please change your password ahead of time!

Q. What if I don't remember the last time I changed my password?
A. Then it's time to change it. 

Q. How often should I change my password?
A. You should change your password every three months if possible, but if you think you navigated to an insecure site, clicked a bad link, and/or given away your name and password, change it right away. It's never a bad idea!

Q. OK, how do I change my password?
A. Just browse to, log in, and follow the prompts.

Q. Can I reset my password on my own if I forgot it?
A. Yes, please visit, click Forgotten Password, and answer your challenge questions.

Q. Should I ever give my password to anyone else? What if it's an emergency or it's my boss?
A. No, never. End of story.

Q. Does Fairfield University send password expiration reminders, so we know when our password is expiring?
A. Yes. We send out several before the expiration date. They look like this:

Q. What if I don't change my password?
A. After several notifications, like the one above, your account will become locked out.

If you have any questions or need assistance, please contact the Help Desk at (203) 254-4069 (x4069) or at Please note that password resets cannot be done via email.

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