Drawing and Painting: an exhibition of works of art by students in SA 1015 Introduction to Painting & SA 1138 From Drawing to Painting

Date: 11-17-2022

Time: 04:00 PM

Location: Studio Art Program, Loyola Hall

An exhibition of paintings and drawings by students in SA 1015 Introduction to Painting and SA 1138 From Drawing to Painting is on view November 14 - December 1, 2022 in the hallway spaces of Loyola Hall, Studio Art Program, Department of Visual and Performing Arts.

Please join us in celebrating the artists at an Opening Reception Thursday, November 17 from 4-5pm in Loyola Hall. All are very welcome!

For more information, contact Suzanne Chamlin-Richer / 2032544000 x2299 / schamlin@fairfield.edu