Important Changes To Follett Invoicing Documents and Their Usage

This notification is being posted to make everyone aware of the new usage of Follett (university bookstore) documentation for the creation of purchase orders and payment of supplier invoices.

The below document is currently being issued by Follett as a Pro Forma Invoice (this is really a quote) and should only be used when creating a requisition to obtain a purchase order. This document should never be submitted to accounts payable.

The following document is a sample of the new invoice being issued by Follett that accounts payable will be using to process payments going forward. These new monthly invoices will be generated based on the PO number and can contain multiple purchases related to that PO. The purchase order number will appear in the Major Account number field. The new invoices must be mailed to to be paid.

The store receipts (shown below) will no longer be used for processing payment and do not need to be submitted to accounts payable. They need only be kept for reference should the department so choose.

For more information, contact Robert Thomas Messert / x-26161 /