Women, Life, Freedom: The Fight for Liberation in Iran

Date: 10-20-2022

Time: 04:00 PM

Location: Library Auditorium

All are welcome to join Dr. Silvia Marsans-Sakly, Associate POP of Islamic World-History and Dr. Maryam Kamali, Adjunct Professor of History on the presentation and discussion of historical, internal, and external context from the Islamic revolution of 1979 in Iran to the present. They will also discuss the motivations of the current protest and the revolutionary nature of the demands led by young women both on the ground and on social media.

Date:  Thursday, October 20

Time:  4 - 6 p.m.

Venue:  Library Auditorium

Pizza will be served!

For more information, contact Silvia Marsans-Sakly / 3412 / smarsans-sakly@fairfield.edu