**Announcement Regarding Paychecks**
All paychecks are mailed to the primary address in Workday on Thursdays.
You may change your primary address in Workday to your campus address with mailbox number, if you do not want your paycheck to be mailed to your home address.
You may also make arrangements to pick up your check by emailing payroll@fairfield.edu.
It is strongly suggested that you enroll in direct deposit. To enroll in direct deposit, go to your Home screen in Workday, click View All Apps, click on Pay, then Payment Elections, add your account information then choose your payment elections. Payroll can email you a PDF with instructions if necessary. It takes one to two weeks for new account information to be processed.
Thank you!
For more information, contact Payroll / ext 2224 or 2939 / payroll@fairfield.edu