Budgeting 101: How to Manage Grant Spending

Date: 10-05-2022

Time: 12:00 PM

Location: ITS Training Room in Dolan Hall

This workshop will provide participants with an overview of how to create a grant budget, and manage the spend-down of the grant funds.  Deb Matthews, Post-Grant Administrator in ORG, will partner with Janice Massey, Finance Workday Administrator, to provide an overview of the processes required to most efficiently manage resources.  This is a great workshop that will help you to feel more confident in managing your grant funds.  Lunch will be provided.

Related Web Site : https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=f2exFIs6pUyzzlDXarLkuSjwPH0_LdtBvgq3rp6l4JFUMVFFSTJZOUZPUVdCVTNLSTRWUkdNRzBJSC4u

For more information, contact Deb Matthews / 2714 / dmatthews@fairfield.edu