Guest Lecture (via Zoom) by Giovanni Verri: The New Look of Ancient Sculpture: The Parthenon Sculptures and Other Case Studies

Date: 10-03-2022

Time: 05:00 PM

Location: Library Multimedia Room

Although it has long been established that ancient marble sculpture was finished with paint, its exact appearance remains elusive. This is because only miniscule remnants of paint survive, the interpretation of which is a task fraught with difficulties. This lecture will discuss investigations on ancient polychromy and, through case studies, will attempt at highlighting the complexities that researchers face when extrapolating information from small paint traces to recreate full-blown reconstructions of ancient sculptural polychromy.

Giovanni Verri (Ph.D. Physics) is a Conservation Scientist in the Department of Conservation and Science at The Art Institute, Chicago. In Ancient Mediterranean Studies, Dr. Verri's use of VIL to identify ancient pigments, especially Egyptian Blue, is renown in archaeological circles.

This guest lecture is co-sponsored by the Program in Classical Studies, and the Program in Art History & Visual Culture/Department of Visual and Performing Arts

For further information, contact Dr. Katherine Schwab at


For more information, contact Katherine Schwab / 2439 /