We respond to the tragedy in Texas…

Date: 05-26-2022

Time: 12:30 PM

Location: Egan Chapel of St. Ignatius Loyola

To express our outrage and shock, we cry out from our depths.  A prayer wall has been erected in the lobby of the Egan Chapel of St. Ignatius Loyola for you to stop by and add your own.  Join with others to write down your hopes for the conversion of minds, for healing, for justice, and for solidarity.  Post-it Notes and pens provided.  The chapel is open from 6am - midnight.  Prayer intentions from students and others off-campus can be sent to us via the link on the Campus Ministry Instagram page, @fairfieldcampusministry

We will also toll the chapel bells 21 times at 12:30 p.m. ET today, to mark the number of victims and the time when the assault on the school began on Tuesday.

Join us in our remembrances.  

Related Web Site : https://thinkspace.fairfield.edu/post/685223066693926913/out-of-the-depths

For more information, contact Rev. Keith Maczkiewicz, S.J.,'04, Director of Campus Ministry & University Chaplain / x2379 / kmaczkiewicz@fairfield.edu