Global Health Week: The Heart of Nuba, Documentary Screening

Date: 04-11-2019

Time: 12:00 PM

Location: BCC Lower Level

Join Global Health Club founder, Sunny Hong '19, as she hosts this Global Health Week event.  The following documentary will be shown followed by a panel discussion about health issues in Africa.  

The Film That Became a Movement:

The Heart of Nuba, the story of American doctor Tom Catena selflessly serving the needs of a forgotten people, has inspired a movement to save lives.

It has raised hundreds of thousands of dollars in donations, 100% of which have gone to medical supplies, staff training and other critical needs of “Dr. Tom’s” hospital, the Mother of Mercy Hospital in the Nuba Mountains of Sudan. The popularity of the film has put pressure on Sudan’s President, convicted war criminal Omar Al-Bashir, to cease the relentless bombing of innocent men, women and children in the Nuba region.

There is more to be done. Join us now as we work to prevent the bombings from being restarted, and to get a humanitarian corridor established to the region, helping the Nuba people to heal and rebuild.

Related Web Site :

For more information, contact Anita Deeg-Carlin / 2865 /