Lunch Money for Writing Groups through CAE
Date: 10-05-2019
Location: Library 107c
Lunch Money for Writing Groups through CAE
The Center for Academic Excellence is pleased to support the work of faculty colleagues who are regularly getting together to discuss their research and creative activities. We know writing groups support a vibrant aspect of professional development that can get lost in the shuffle of busy semesters, so we are offering Lunch Money for Writing Groups, a mini-grant that allows colleagues writing or discussing their work together to do so over lunch. $150 is available per semester. If you are part of a writing group or have recently formed out, apply for a mini-grant here by Friday, October 4.
Writing Group Matching through CAE
If you are interested in being in a writing group but haven’t yet met many new colleagues—the CAE can help you find a writing group to sustain your research projects during the academic year. Writing groups usually meet monthly and assist each other with goal setting, support, and peer feedback. We aim for cross-disciplinary groups of faculty so that each writer may benefit from a variety of perspectives, and we also seek to blend writers at various ranks and positions at the University. If you’d like to take advantage of this writing group matching feature, write to us at by Monday, September 30 describing your plans.
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For more information, contact Carol Ann Davis / 8438147159 /