Celebration of Excellence "Rising Star" Award Nominations
The Office of Student Diversity and Multicultural Affairs is having our 4th Annual Celebration of Excellence. This celebration honors and recognizes the achievement and excellence of underrepresented students who actively contribute to the University's values of diversity, leadership and community service. We are looking for nominations for a rising senior to receive our "Rising Star" award. Nominees for the award must be someone from an underrepresented community and also meet at least 2 of the award's requirements.
Requirements for "Rising Star" Award Nominees:
- Displays Academic Excellence
- Engages in Community Service
- Participates in Community Involvement Opportunities
- Proves to be a Student Leader
- Exemplifies Jesuit Values
- Demonstrates Dedication and Tenacity
In order to nominate a rising senior, please click the following link.
Related Web Site : https://fairfield.campuslabs.com/engage/submitter/form/start/536976
For more information, contact Feleicia Jeter / 6216 / fjeter@fairfield.edu