What Were You Wearing? and Through The Lens - A unique Art for Advocacy Exhibit
Date: 04-04-2022
Time: 11:00 AM
Location: Oak Room
Art for Advocacy is a traveling art exhibit done in collaboration with The Center For Family Justice.
During Sexual Assault Awareness Month "Through The Lens" creates a space for artistic expression for all members of the community to display artwork that speaks to enforcing victims’ rights and to ensuring equity and inclusion for all . Artists send their message to tell the stories, dismantle the stigmas, and enforce the rights of all victims.
Additionally on view is "What Were You Wearing?" An exhibit based on survivor descriptions of the clothes they were wearing during their sexual assault. This presentation aims to eliminate a victim-blaming myth that clothing somehow invites a sexual assault.
On display April 4th and 5th in the Oak Room from 11-5pm. Stop by and show your support for all victims and help raise awareness to end sexual violence.Related Web Site : https://www.canva.com/design/DAE4WDRMWh4/DiMRIai_5OAb4x4PicWNcg/view?utm_content=DAE4WDRMWh4&utm_campaign=designshare&utm_medium=link&utm_source=shareyourdesignpanel
For more information, contact Pam Paulmann / 2033391307 / ppaulmann@fairfield.edu