Fairfield ITS Self-Help Portal News

Date: 11-22-2021

Who is affected by this change: Anyone Who Uses the ITS Self-Help Ticketing Portal

How this change impacts affected parties: Self-Help ticketing portal will have limited functionality until further notice. 

What affected parties need to do NOW: Please email us at itshelpdesk@fairfield.edu to open a ticket. You cannot open a ticket from the portal at this time.

Who you should contact if you have concerns/questions: Please contact the Fairfield ITS Helpdesk at itshelpdesk@fairfield.edu

Background: Fairfield University was recently made aware by Blackboard makers of the Smartview ticket system and Self-Help Portal, that a security vulnerability has been identified in their software. As a result, Blackboard has decided to take the system offline to perform additional forensic work.  In the meantime, Blackboard has created a Self-Help Portal Lite as a near term plan to ensure our community has access to support.  The Self-Help Portal Lite is an interim solution which will include our email address, phone number, link to chat and knowledge base articles.

NOTE: This issue does not impact our Blackboard Learning Management System (LMS)

 Blackboard has ensured us that they are working diligently with forensic experts to remediate this software threat, and will let us know when our ITS ticketing Self-Help Portal is fully functional.

Marie ErnyeDirector Support Services


Related Web Site : https://itshelpdesk.fairfield.edu

For more information, contact Marie Ernye / 4069 / itshelpdesk@fairfield.edu