Kabbalat Shabbat and Hanukkah Service

Date: 12-03-2021

Time: 05:30 PM

Location: Egan Chapel

Fairfield University Students, Faculty, Administration, and Staff!

Please join us for a special Kabbalat Shabbat Service with prayers and songs welcoming the Sabbath. The service will be led by Rabbi Prosnit, University Jewish Chaplain, and followed by an Oneg with latkes and conversation.

Rsvp to Rabbi Prosnit at jprosnit@fairfield.edu by Tuesday, Nov. 30.

Co-sponsored by Campus Ministry and the Bennett Center for Judaic Studies

Related Web Site : https://www.fairfield.edu/undergraduate/academics/centers/bennett-center-for-judaic-studies/

For more information, contact Rabbi James Prosnit / 203-254-4000 / jprosnit@fairfield.edu