CT Dance Now! | Wesleyan University - Katja Kolcio: Dancing Under All Conditions! - Monday, October 4 at 6:00 PM

Date: 10-04-2021

Time: 06:00 PM

Free virtual event; Registration is required at https://events.fairfield.edu/events/ct-dance-now--wesleyan-university

Join the CT Dance Alliance and Dance Partners from across Connecticut for these engaging conversations with dance artists and creators.

This dance class will combine a mindful-movement warm-up, creative exploration, a full-bodied energetic movement phrase, group-movement-listening, and a breath and focus-oriented meditative ending.

During any major social transformation or crisis, like this pandemic, movement practice is essential. Our world and our rules of engagement are changing before our eyes. Creative physical movement is integral to our physical and psycho-social well-being, and through it we learn how to navigate our world. On a basic level, we dance to energize our muscles, to stimulate circulation of blood, breath, oxygen. But, equally important, we also need to move in ways that help us adjust physically, and make sense of our circumstances--to orient ourselves to our new environment. We dance to feel joy, and sometimes we dance to simply feel. This is the overarching purpose of this class: to experiment with new ways of moving, imagining, being and collectively creating our world.

Related Web Site : https://quickcenter.fairfield.edu/fall-2021-season-calendar/dance/ct-dance-now-wesleyan-univeristy.html

For more information, contact Quick Center Box Office / 203-254-4010 / quickboxoffice@fairfield.edu