Lecture: Conserving the Artifacts at the 9/11 Museum and Memorial
Date: 09-23-2021
Time: 05:00 PM
Location: Quick Center for the Arts
Join us for a discussion about the conservation of artifacts at the 9/11 Museum and Memorial.
Please note: this event will be presented on Fairfield University’s campus, and will not be live-streamed. University policies related to campus access will apply. Updates can be found here: https://www.fairfield.edu/undergraduate/student-life-and-services/health-and-wellness/health-center/emergencies/coronavirus/
Please visit the Eventbrite page to select tickets before coming to campus.
9/11 Museum and Memorial Chief Conservator Lisa Conte explores the history of collecting at the Museum (beginning with how the collection was formed via rapid-response collecting in 2001), how lived experience can shape how preservation decisions are made, and offers some perspective on navigating hazards as a part of preserving traumatic heritage. Conte will use several objects in the collection, and the Museum’s approaches to their preservation, to tell a people-centric story of 9/11 and its consequences.
This event is presented in partnership with the College of Arts and Sciences as part of the Fairfield University 9/11 20th Anniversary Programs, and is part of the Edwin L. Weisl, Jr. Lectureships in Art History, funded by the Robert Lehman Foundation.
Related Web Site : https://www.eventbrite.com/e/lecture-conserving-the-artifacts-at-the-911-museum-and-memorial-tickets-160568008235
For more information, contact Carey Weber / 203-254-4000, ext. 4046 / museum@fairfield.edu