GrantForward Service Now Available

The Office of Research and Grants (ORG) is pleased to offer GrantForward, a funding search and grant recommendation service, to all Fairfield faculty, staff and students.  You can access GrantForward at or from with your Fairfield email (follow instructions for single sign-on).

In order to be able to use full search features including saved searches and personalized grant recommendations, please sign up (see quick demo) for a user account using your Fairfield email address. We also encourage you to take a few minutes to create your “Researcher Profile” (see quick demo) to start receiving grant recommendations via email!

Key features include:

  • search for grants by keywords and advanced filters
  • save your favorite searches for new grant alerts
  • save your favorite grants to keep track of them
  • receive grant recommendations based on your CV, past publications, and research interests
  • find potential collaborators or research partners with similar interests from public researcher profiles at all participating institutions

The ORG team will be offering GrantForward training and support over the summer and academic year, so please keep an eye out for coming announcements.  In the meantime, if you have any questions about the service, please contact Julie Peters, or for assistance.

Wishing you a wonderful summer.

Related Web Site :

For more information, contact Julie Peters / 120325440002761 /