Living Theology Workshop #3
Date: 04-14-2021
Time: 04:30 PM
Location: Zoom - Webinar
Please join us for the third of our sessions on Pope Francis’s recent letter, Fratelli Tutti, we will discuss two issues of major importance, war and peace and the death penalty. Pope Francis is outspoken in his critique of modern warfare in relation to the ancient “just war theory.” He also rejects all arguments for the death penalty, which puts him at odds with many American Catholics, although momentum towards the abolition of the death penalty is noticeable (Virginia is the first southern state to have outlawed it, only last month), and there is new pressure on the Catholic President Biden to abolish the death penalty at the federal level. Professor Kevin Cassidy of the Politics Department will join Professor Paul Lakeland, Director of the Center for Catholic Studies, to explore the implications of Pope Francis’s teaching for the U.S. Catholic community.
Wednesday, April 14
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