CT ACE Women’s Network Event 3/26 & Virtual Kudos Board
Date: 03-26-2021
Time: 12:00 PM
CT ACE Women’s Network at Fairfield Celebrates Women's History Month "Nevertheless She Persisted" with guest panelists Meredith Kazer and Julia Duffy
Friday, March 26th
Zoom link and meeting ID: https://Fairfield.zoom.us/j/94719560555 (ID 947 1956 0555 )
March is National Women’s History Month! We also continue to celebrate 50 Years of Women at Fairfield University Anniversary. CT ACE Women’s Network at Fairfield will be hosting a virtual gathering using the traditional theme “Nevertheless She Persisted” to honor and recognize the accomplishments of female identifying colleagues from across the institution for their persistence, tenacity, and accomplishments. Meredith Kazer, Dean of the Egan School of Nursing, and Julia Duffy, Director of the Health Center, will both reflect on their careers and persistence during these unprecedented times. Attendees will have the opportunity to connect in small groups as time allows.
In advance of the event, we hope you will take some time to recognize a Fairfield University colleague on the "Nevertheless She Persisted" virtual padlet kudos board (https://padlet.com/glester2/kxph30tmei1w1q38). After the event the CT ACE Women’s Network committee will share the padlet link with the campus community. Please note: your post(s) are anonymous unless you add your name to the text you submit. Posts will be approved by a moderator before appearing on the padlet page.
Related Web Site : https://Fairfield.zoom.us/j/94719560555
For more information, contact Lisa Thornell / 2138 / lthornell@fairfield.edu