15th Annual Lecture in Jewish and Christian Engagement - “Lift Ev’ry Voice and Sing: Jewish and Christian Women as Allies in Anti-Racism”
Date: 03-16-2021
Time: 07:30 PM
Location: Location: ZOOM - Register at https://fairfield.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_K6aB1mrDQSee4R3xjflXIA
Fairfield University Faculty, Administrators, & Staff!
Please join the Bennett Center for Judaic Studies and the Center for Catholic Studies for the 15th Annual Lecture in Jewish and Christian Engagement given by Dr. Ann Millin, historian, and the Ida E. King Distinguished Visiting Professor of Holocaust Studies, at Richard Stockton University.
Dr. Ann Millin will share an uplifting exploration of some of the ways in which Jewish and Christian women of color — jointly and independently — are pursuing social justice. As Dr. Millin has noted, “Each woman and her work represents a reason in these troubled times to lift our voices and rejoice.”
Please register at https://fairfield.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_K6aB1mrDQSee4R3xjflXIA
The program is a free virtual webinar that is open to the public. For more information, contact the Bennett Center at bennettcenter@fairfield.edu or Center for Catholic Studies at catholicstudies@fairfield.edu
Related Web Site : https://www.fairfield.edu/undergraduate/academics/centers/bennett-center-for-judaic-studies/
For more information, contact Jennifer Haynos / 203-254-4000 x2066 / jhaynos@fairfield.edu