CAE and Global Fairfield Information Sessions - Being a Faculty Leader on a Faculty Led Study Abroad Program 3/26

Date: 03-26-2021

Time: 02:00 PM

Location: Zoom Information Session -

Please join CAE and Global Fairfield for one of our What to Know About Leading a Faculty Led Program Abroad Information Sessions.  Faculty Led programs are a terrific way to take your course “on the road” and use a location abroad as a live textbook for learning!  Faculty Led group sizes are on average 12-15 students.  CAE and the Global Fairfield have prepared a presentation that will review:

  • the timeline for submitting a course proposal
  • tips for developing a successful program
  • Post-Covid safety
  • the process of launching a program
  • “What Personal Style” is best for being a Faculty Leader
Please use this link to register:

All first time faculty led program faculty are required to attend this session.  If you missed the March 22nd Information Session you can still attend the Friday, March 26th from 2pm to 3:30pm session! - 

Related Web Site :

For more information, contact Patricia Pivarnik / 4124 /