Italian Cinema Under the Stars

Date: 10-12-2020

Time: 06:00 PM

Location: BCC Lawn - Big screen between Barone Campus Center and Alumni Hall

Please join us at a new time, 6:00pm, on the BCC Lawn for the next outdoor screenings of the Italian Language Film Series.  Bring your blankets and masks and bundle up under the stars.

This week's films are:

Monday, October 12RAIN DATE

Dante’s Inferno (Meredith, 2007)     

Satirical interpretation of Dante’s Comedy that features puppets and personalities drawn from popular culture. Come join the hoodie-wearing Dante as he embarks on a contemporary infernal journey.

Thursday Oct. 15

La vita e’ bella/Life is Beautiful (Benigni, 1997)                              

Comedy and tragedy, love and persecution are juxtaposed in this Oscar-winning tale of a father’s devotion to his young son amidst the horrors of the Holocaust.  This inspiring film underscores the salvific power of storytelling.

These events are open to all students, faculty and staff, limited to 50 people.  Masks and social distancing are required. Limited seating available. 

For more information, contact Mary Ann Carolan / x2134 /