Living Theology Workshop - "Catholics, Jesuits and Slavery"

Date: 09-23-2020

Time: 04:30 PM


Please join us for our first Living Theology of the Fall 2020 Semester.

Catholics, Jesuits and Slavery

While awareness of Catholic involvement in the slave economy of Colonial America and the young Republic is increasing, mostly because of the revelations of Georgetown University in the early nineteenth century selling slaves to shore up the young university’s finances, the size of the church’s involvement is not well-known. This Living Theology panel will outline the history of Catholic slave-holding, explore the justifications offered in its defense, and respond from the perspective of the present day. What does what happened back then tell us about today? What about reparations? These and other questions will be addressed. The webinar will be chaired by Dr. Paul Lakeland, Director of the Center for Catholic Studies. Panelists will include Dr. Rachelle Brunn-Bevell (Sociology Department) and Dr. Clarence Hardy (Religious Studies).

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For more information, contact Mary Crimmins / X2097 /