Save the Date for the Human Library (11/7/19) and Call for Committee Members
Date: 11-07-2019
Location: DiMenna-Nyselius Library
The DiMenna-Nyselius Library, and partners from across campus, invite staff and faculty members to join the 2019 Human Library Planning Committee. The 4th Annual Human Library will take place on Thursday, November 7th from 1-4:30pm and 6-8:30pm. Around 400 students typically attend the event, as well as faculty, staff, alumni and community members. For more information about the Human Library annual event see our website:
The Human Library® is designed to build a positive framework for conversations that can challenge stereotypes and prejudices through dialogue. ‘Human Books’ are Fairfield University students, faculty, staff, and alumni who have volunteered to share their story to break down barriers based on race, religion, sexual orientation, class, gender identity, lifestyle choices, disability or other aspects of their life. The Human Library provides the opportunity for the Fairfield University community to share and understand the experiences of others.
Committee members are from various campus departments that feel passionate about the mission of the Human Library event and are asked to:
Attend three meetings from 11am-12pm on August 14th, September 24th, October 23rd (meeting invitations will be sent)
· Personally ask students or colleagues to register to be a “human book” (application form will be available soon)
· Help promote the event to your department and colleagues
· Consider volunteering at the Human Library on Nov. 7th
Contact Lisa Thornell and Barbara Ghilardi by August 2nd if you would like to join the committee.
Related Web Site :
For more information, contact Lisa Thornell / ext. 2138 /