Fairfield Friday....Wear Red...Friday March 1st
Date: 03-01-2019
Location: Bookstores, Alumni Hall,Tully Dining Commons & the Egan Chapel of St. Ignatius Loyola
Stags in the Bookstores...25% off Fairfield Emblematic Gear on Fairfield Friday March 1st at both bookstore locations...Stag Spirit Shop in the Barone Campus Center and Downtown (sorry, certain manufacturers will not allow discounts!)
Stags in Alumni Hall...Men's Basketball vs Marist...tip @ 7pm...Go Stags
Stags in the Chapel...join Father Michael Doody SJ for First Friday Mass celebrated at 1210pm in the Egan Chapel of St. Ignatius Loyola
Stags in the food pantry...next time you enter Stop & Shop or your favorite market, consider buying a can of tomato soup and drop off in the Egan Chapel of St. Ignatius Loyola lobby for the food pantry at Operation Hope in Fairfield.
Stags in the Tully Dining Commons...special Fairfield Friday lunch price in the Tully Faculty/Staff dining room...$5
For more information, contact Lucas T. Stagg / 1.800. GoStags / LTStagg@fairfield.edu