Innovative Research Symposium 2020 Goes Online!
Date: 04-23-2020
Time: 09:00 AM
Location: Online
The Innovative Research Symposium 2020 is an opportunity for our Fairfield community to join together to celebrate our students’ academic achievements and collaboration with their faculty mentors. This year we innovatively do so through online formats – the eBook, Quip, and Zoom - Read the News@Fairfield Article. All members of Fairfield University are invited to join us for this signature event. We conclude with a celebration of innovation with the acclaimed dance theater company Pilobolus.
Get started by visiting the Innovative Research Symposium landing page. There, you can view pre-recorded student presentations, and access the ebook that features information about each student project with a link to a unique Quip page exhibiting an online version of project posters. Participate in faculty moderated Zoom sessions with live student presentations. A link to these sessions is available on each student’s Quip page and the Master Zoom Presentation Schedule available on the landing page. Close the day by celebrating with Pilobolus - Read the News@Fairfield Article. All Quip pages and Zoom sessions require a Fairfield NetID. The Innovative Research Symposium goes live at 9:00 a.m. on Thursday, April 23, 2020.
All Day
Download the eBook and Watch Recorded Presentations from Select Students
Engage with Students on Quip
Students, faculty, staff, and community members with a Fairfield NetID are invited to engage with students via Quip, browse projects, and leave comments for students to participate in online dialogues about their research.
2:00 - 4:30 p.m.
Join Live Faculty-Moderated Zoom Sessions Featuring
Student Research Presentations from:
Sigma Xi
Egan School of Nursing and Health Studies
Undergraduate Research and Independent Projects
Students, faculty, staff, and community members with a Fairfield NetID are invited to watch students present their research and engage in faculty-moderated Q&A.
4:30 - 5:00 p.m.
Celebration of Innovation with Pilobolus Dance Company
Join us for a concluding celebration that will embody the innovation, creativity, and imagination of this year’s Innovative Research Symposium with Pilobolus Dance Company.
Related Web Site :
For more information, contact Kim Baer / 2035457562 /