Mentors Needed!

The Cura Personalis Mentoring Program (CPMP) is still in need of Staff/Faculty/Grad Student Mentors as well as Undergraduate Peer Mentors. 

The CPMP is designed to provide incoming First-Year Students from underrepresented populations an opportunity to become acclimated and succeed at the university. Students receive mentoring and learn about personal and academic resources via two mentors: a faculty/staff/grad student mentor and a peer mentor. 

The benefits of being a mentor include: 
-expanding your skills
-meeting new people
-improving your career profile
-making a difference in a student's life

Responsibilities include: 
-agree to the mentoring role for a full academic year
-agree to meet with your mentee(s) at least 2 times a month
-agree to attend mentor's training and meetings
-agree to inform program coordinator of mentee's progress and concerns 

Are you interested in becoming a Staff/Faculty/Grad Student Mentor? Fill out this form: 

Are you interested in becoming an Undergraduate Peer Mentor? Fill out this form: 

Do you have questions or would like to learn more about the program? Contact Romina Pacheco, Associate Director for Student Diversity and Multicultural Affairs. 

Related Web Site :

For more information, contact Romina Pacheco / x3165 /