"The Streaming Wars: Competition for Your Subscription" Expert Panel Discussion - Feb. 21

Date: 02-21-2020

Time: 08:30 AM

Location: Dolan School Event Hall (Lower Level)

Join us as cg42 Managing Partner Stephen Beck ’92 and SVP of Strategy and Operations at Hearst Newspapers Digital Media Bridget Williams join faculty to explore the topic of streaming wars.

As the number of streaming services continues to grow from one month to the next, consumers are left trying to determine which providers are right for them, while also considering getting rid of their cable subscription (if they haven’t already). To examine the topic of streaming wars, Fairfield Dolan will host a panel discussion composed of subject matter experts in the field alongside Fairfield faculty members.

Topics explored will include: changes in consumer media consumption; identifying the players from streaming wars powerhouses to minor players and everyone in between; how the introduction of new streaming services is disrupting the industry, and the impact on consumers.

8:30 AM Light Breakfast

9:00 AM  Event Start 


cg42 Managing Partner and CNBC Squawk Box guest Stephen Beck ’92

SVP of strategy and operations at Hearst Newspapers Digital Media, Bridget Williams

Assistant Professor of Communication Adam Rugg, PhD


Fairfield StartUp Program Director Chris Huntley, PhD, associate professor of Information Systems and Operations Management

Related Web Site : https://www.eventbrite.com/e/the-streaming-wars-competition-for-your-subscription-tickets-89638046811

For more information, contact Eve Liptak / x2950 / jillian.liptak@fairfield.edu