Take Your Child to Work Day is almost filled!

Date: 04-24-2025

Mark your calendars for Thursday, April 24th—Fairfield University is hosting its annual Take Your Child to Work Day! We’re inviting all University faculty and staff to bring their kids (ages 8-14) for a fun-filled day of learning, exploring, and hands-on experiences. 

Throughout the day there will be optional activities. Feel free to participate in any (or all!) of the activities offered. 

IMPORTANT NOTE: Children must be accompanied by their parent at all activities and events throughout the day.

Please note that space is limited. There's only room for 11 more children! 

RSVP by March 31st to Blythe Josovitz at BJosovitz@fairfield.edu with the following information:  
  • Child’s First and Last Name 
  • Child’s Age 
  • Child’s Home Address 

For more information, contact Blythe Josovitz, Director, Benefits & Comp. / x.2995 / bjosovitz@fairfield.edu