Accessing Fairfield's W.B. Mason Catalog outside of Workday

Currently the only way to access Fairfield University’s custom W.B. Mason catalog is to log into Workday and initiate creating a requisition. This process requires additional work for those who simply want to browse the catalog to find items available from W.B. Mason and/or Fairfield’s contract pricing without having to place an order. To address this issue W.B. Mason has issued Fairfield the custom log in credentials below to be used at which will allow users to access our custom catalog without having to log into Workday:

Email: FairfieldU_BrowseOnly

Password: Fairfield2019!

Please note that you cannot place an order or check your individual order history from this site. You will still need to order through the W.B. Mason Punch-Out catalog in Workday. This site is only to be used when searching for items available from W.B. Mason and/or contract pricing, as well as emailing our W.B. Mason representatives.

Please contact Purchasing if you have any questions.

For more information, contact Peter Perez / x2699 /