Living Theology Workshop "Which Political Party Should Catholics Support?"
Date: 11-20-2019
Time: 04:30 PM
Location: Library Multimedia Room
Which Political Party Should Catholics Support?
Democrat? Republican? Green? None of the above? This event will ask and, who knows, try to answer this question. Should Catholics be independents and choose on issues rather than ideology? Which issues? Or should Catholics be Democrats because Democrats are more concerned for the plight of the poor and the fate of the earth? Or should they be Republicans because the red party is pro-life on the issue of abortion? Or is it all more complicated than this?
Our two speakers who will tackle these and other questions are Mr. Paul Baumann, editor emeritus of the lay-run Catholic magazine,Commonweal, and Fairfield’s own Professor Gayle Alberda, who teaches undergraduate American political science courses and graduate courses in Public Administration. Before her career in academia, she worked the political arena, including both lobbying, party, and campaign experience.
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For more information, contact Mary Crimmins / 2097 /