CTAWN November Lunch: Navigating Strategic Change: A Conversation with Provost Siegel and Associate Provost Jocelyn Boryczka

Date: 11-15-2019

Time: 12:00 PM

Location: Dogwoods Room, Barone Campus Center

Please join us for our second CT ACE Women's Network Luncheon of the fall.

Navigating Strategic Change:

A Conversation with Provost Siegel and Associate Provost Jocelyn Boryczka

 Friday, November 15, 2019

12:00 pm  - 1:30 pm

Barone Campus Center – Dogwood Room

RSVP:  https://fairfield.campuslabs.com/engage/event/5147778

Change is a constant in our personal and professional lives.  It brings innovation while creating tensions.  How we navigate these transitions in our jobs, divisions, and institutions involves thinking and acting strategically.  Provost Siegel and Associate Vice Provost Boryczka will discuss women’s relationship to such change from a broader societal to the local Fairfield University context as our institution engages in strategic planning.

Fairfield University’s chapter of the Connecticut Women's ACE Network (known as CTAWN@Fairfield) is open to faculty, administration, and staff at Fairfield University.  Our purpose is to promote women’s leadership and networking amongst the Fairfield campus community.  For questions regarding CTAWN, please contact Ophelie Rowe-Allen, EdD orallen@fairfield.edu or Jocelyn Boryczka PhD, jboryczka@fairfield.edu

Related Web Site : ttps://fairfield.campuslabs.com/engage/event/5147778

For more information, contact Meredith Smith / 6179432794 / MSMITH13@FAIRFIELD.EDU