Miss out on CAE’s After School Workshops? Check Out the Recordings Here

The week of May 20th the Center for Academic Excellence hosted a variety of workshops to help faculty kickstart their fall course planning over the summer. Many of these workshops were recorded and are now available for your review. We are available all summer, so please reach out to us at CAE@fairfield.edu if you need assistance or advice this summer.

Miss out on CAE’s After School Workshops? Check Out the Recordings Here.

Related Web Site : https://fairfield0.sharepoint.com/:u:/r/sites/cae/SitePages/Recordings-from-After-Sc.aspx?csf=1&web=1&share=EZUyd2sGYQROpUhDs-IxNdsBxyt_0YKRomMNLnMTheberw&e=T2Xd6c

For more information, contact Center for Academic Excellence / / cae@fairfield.edu