Dropbox Folder Structure Change

Date: 05-22-2024


ITS would like to provide an update on recent changes to the Dropbox Folder Structure that have affected many institutions. 


Dropbox implemented new functions intended to enhance folder management and the overall user experience. 


Here is what is new: 


  • Personal Folders: Each member now has a personal folder with their name containing their files and those shared with them. Files that were not part of a Team folder prior to this update can now be found in your personal folder. 

  • Team (or Department) Folders: Team folders, also known as Department folders, contain files and folders shared with other team members. Changes made to these files, including renaming a folder within a team folder, will reflect the change for everyone on the team. 

  • Team (or Department) Folder Sharing: Team Admins can directly share team folders with individuals, and users have access to all files within their team folder unless restricted by the admin. 

  • Direct Sharing- Admins can share a team folder directly with an individual. 

  • Folder Access -Users will have access to all folders they are members of, unless access is restricted by the Team admin. 

  • Please visit the wiki for more information


If you have any questions, please email itshelpdesk@fairfield.edu  or call 203 254 4069. 


Related Web Site : https://fairfield-university.atlassian.net/l/cp/aioPcgPf

For more information, contact ITS Help Desk / 4069 / itshelpdesk@fairfield.edu