Mass Intentions For The Week
Location: Egan Chapel of St. Ignatius Loyola
Monday, October 28th 12:10 p.m.
Michael Bologna R.I.P.
Tuesday, October 29th 12:10 p.m.
Paul L. Brown R.I.P.
Wednesday, October 30th 12:10 p.m.
Vijay Nair R.I.P.
Thursday, October 31st 12:10 p.m.
Sheila Lawther R.I.P.
Friday, November 1st 12:10 p.m.
All Saints Day - No Intentions
Sunday, November 3rd 11:00 a.m.
Marga Malterer R.I.P.
Sunday, November 3rd 5:00 p.m.
Laura Meszaros R.I.P.
For more information, contact Kathleen Haimoff / x3405 /