Final IRB Meeting: Information for Researchers Whose Work Involves Human Subjects
Attention researchers whose research involves human subjects:
The final meeting of the academic year for the Institutional Review Board (IRB) is Tuesday, April 24, 2024. Therefore, any researchers planning research over the summer that requires full board review -- for instance, research involving more than minimal risk or that includes vulnerable populations -- should be submitted one week before this final meeting.
Protocols for research meeting criteria for exempt status or expedited review will continue to be processed on a rolling basis throughout the summer. Therefore, researchers can continue to submit these protocols at any time during the summer. Note that the vast majority of research falls into this category.
Detailed information regarding definitions of "more than minimal risk, "vulnerable populations," and what qualifies for full board versus expedited or exempt research review is located on the IRB information page under “Preparing Protocols” (login with NetID username and password):
If you have questions, contact Alison Kris, IRB Chair:
Related Web Site :
For more information, contact Ali / x2709 /