Film Series Hosted by the International Studies & Business Programs
Date: 02-08-2024
Time: 05:30 PM
Location: Library Auditorium
The International Studies & Business Programs
Film Series Featuring the Movie: Poverty, Inc.
The International Studies & Business Programs will host its first Film Series Event on Thursday, February 8th in the Library Auditorium. This is an exciting and unique opportunity for the campus community to view the feature movie titled, Poverty Inc., followed by a panel discussion with Fairfield’s own, Helena Glebocki Keefe, Associate Professor, Economics and International Business and Stas Vavislov, Assistant Professor, Management.
The panel discussion will focus on the main theme of the movie - fighting poverty is big business but, who profits the most?
Please join us THIS Thursday, February 8th at 5:30 pm in the Library Auditorium. Pizza and refreshments will be served.
For more information, contact Alfred Babo / (203) 254-3484 /